JBPriah Hello, despite having paid for full access, now I’m getting a message that i’ve reached the free limit. Please restore my access.
peter You can do that by opening Settings -> In App Purchases and then tapping on "Restore Purchases".
peter If it happens again, please send me more details. Is it on iOS or macOS? What device are your running on and which Stage Traxx version?
JBPriah peter IOS 15.7 Version 7.5. In-App Purchases doesn’t have restore option. Backup sends to In-App with only full purchase option.
peter Version 7.5 of what? Open Stage Traxx, select the Settings tab, scroll down to In App Purchases, select it and tap on Restore Purchases.
peter That‘s not possible. Restore Purchases is always displayed. See here at 1 minute: https://youtu.be/UTNrbxgmqPw Hint: look at the bottom of the window: