I noticed on many of the tracks I created I lost the 4 count click in. Think it was my error. I was playing with the auto trim, thinking how cool for trimming end of song. What I forgot is, my
Click ins, are very low in volume. Could I assume the auto trim function cut them out?
The auto trim function
Sispence805 maybe it’s the left side render thing. I have to figure out how to change to render both sides. I’m on it.
Digging this product. I was using a looper before. What a difference!!
- Edited
You can change the side that is used to render the waveform in Settings -> User Interface and that could indeed fix this issue. Version 3.6 will always use both channels to render the waveform as I have been able to increase the calculation speed for generating the waveform significantly.
peter awesome. Great program. I mentioned before I was using a looper for playback. I actual feel pretty dumb wasting all that time with a boss looper when Stage Traxx3 is so user friendly and flexible with fixing to Audio problems. As of this time not using lyric stuff. But amazing playback features.
Thank you,
Version 3.6 will also have quite interesting loop features that will allow you to competely rearrange your songs on the fly. Maybe you would like to check out the open beta. See the open beta thread on how to participate.
I’m sorry,
I have switch the interface render toogle to “both” reload my songs and my “click in” on my songs is not being heard.
I reaching for straws: Could this be a stereo thing on playback. Maybe my camera lighting adapter. Is my intro click to low, but
Here’s what interesting. I play the track from the stage Traxx with the lighting adapter thing, I hear click through I pad speakers fine, why is it gone with adapter. I play through adapter into mixer and no to ver faint click but track sounds wonderful.
Once again I apologize. Any help in what direction to trouble shoot appreciate
Disregard above text. I figured it out. It was the adapter. Very weird it wouldn’t play the first bar (of click) clearly. Rest of song sounded great, but first bars sound was muddy. It’s like it took a bar of music to engage properly.
Thank you for time.
I know that some bluetooth adapters cut off the start of the sound but I didn't know that lightning adapters would also do that. Was it an original Apple adapter or third party?
Third party.