• SupportiOS
  • iOS and playing another app’s sounds while running StageTraxx

I’m using a new iPad (the one with the headphone jack). Been using StageTraxx for backing tracks up until now. Now, I wanted to use sounds from, say Ravenscroft piano, or SampleTank, via midi keyboard, while playing the track.

I find that if I have any other sound app running, then the backing track won’t play in ST. I hit the “play” button, and nothing happens. If I enable “combine USB and Headphone jack”, then the track will play, and I do get audio from the other app as well. The trouble is that this combined audio is very quiet. The backing track volume, and the other app audio is about a quarter of the volume it is without the “Combine USB and headphone jack” setting enabled.

Is there something I’m doing wrong?

Stage Traxx is setup to behave nicely with other music apps. But that does not mean that other music apps will behave nicely with regards to sharing the audio output with another app. I always test with Spotify and Apple Music. These apps are known to behave nicely with other apps and Stage Traxx will play fine with them.

Now with virtual instruments this is a whole different topic as they often reconfigure the iOS sound system for very low latency output. Check the options in these apps if there is a way to enable a sort of compatibility mode. If not, you can try to host everything (including ST3) in Audiobus.

Regarding the volume: ST3 has a 6dB lower volume than other apps to allow Equalizer boosts without distortion. You can increase the volume by enabling the master equalizer and setting the gain to +6dB. This will lead to the same playback volume as in other apps.

I often used to run SampleTank alongside ST - for keyboard or keytar - no problems other than needing an onboard volume on the keyboard to balance the outputs. I don’t remember having to set it up, it just worked. Sorry, not very helpful. As Peter says you may need to increase ST’s volume and also boost the mixer volume.

I have enabled the equaliser, and boosted the volume to max. With this at max, the iPad volume at max, and my studio monitors at max, the volume is usable for practise. When I go back to any other app (such as Ravenscroft), without remembering to turn the volumes down, it knocks me off the bench.

I was hoping to be able to play midi sounds and StageTraxx from the same iPad. I guess I’ll have to just use the iPad for StageTraxx, and use the onboard sounds from my piano.

Thanks for the pointer to Audiobus. I’ve never used this. I’ll look into it.

That doesn't sound right. With the equalizer gain at max the volume of Stage Traxx should be 6dB louder than in other apps. Makes sure your song and playlist volumes are not turned down considerably.

ST3 has multiple volume settings:

  • Song volume
  • Playlist volume
  • Equalizer Gain

    peter No. song and playlist volumes are not turned down. When any other music app is not running, the ST3 volume is fine. As soon as I launch another app like Ravenscroft and return to ST3, the ST3 volume goes down to next to nothing (along with the sound out of the other app). Unless “Combine USB and headphone” is not selected, in which case there is no sound at all.

    I don't see this volume issue when switching to another app and back.

      peter The behaviour I outlined with only getting sound if “Combine USB and headphone” is switched on: Is this correct/normal?

      Well this option only makes sense if you connect a usb interface and headphones at the same time. If you don't do that it will basically do nothing. I just tried to enable the option, switch to Spotify and back. Nothing changes, the playback keeps running (and mixing with the Spotify playback). Volume stays the same.