Loop creation feedback.
I did a comparison between Twisted Wave app and ST3b
Same song, same loop point.
Twisted wave is very fast and accurate i had a perfect loop in no time.
ST3 didnt do a good job no matter how much effort i put in to it and it felt awkward, it was fighting me along the process and at the end i could not perfect the loop.
So my suggestion is have a good look at how Twisted Wave does it.
It has a waveform above so you can travel through the song fast, and another larger waveform is where you complete the edit, but because you can zoom in so much it makes it easy to perfect the loop, the grab handles are nice and obvious and the edit point lines are nice and thin so you can accurately place the edit points, i believe it actually can zoom in too much , while ST3 cant zoom in enough.The audio and visual sync is very tight you actually feel every movement of loop points this perfectly represents what is on screen and what you are hearing, it feels very professional while ST3 hasnt got a good workflow and feels very loose in operation the end result is not perfect and you waste a lot of time getting an average loop result, this definitely needs a bit more tweaking.
Get rid of unnecessary stuff, like the two time location indicators that you can play around with that have no great value to complete a loop.
Increase the waveform area as much as possible and shrink the delete , loop button, colour choice and rename to the bottom of the window, dont let anything be hidden.
There needs to be an accurate time display in the waveform so you know where you are.
Introduce a loop on off switch next to play button and a reset to start point / end point buttons so you can precisely position the playhead to begining of loop.
When you select a loop it is immediately cued to begining and plays through.
The loop functio button should have two modes one as normal loop from start to end, the second loop function should be the edit loop function loop which starts 10 seconds before the end of loop plays through to begining of loop for another 10 seconds then it provides a two second silence gap and plays over and over till you are happy with the end result, if your loops are shorter than 22 seconds it just loops as normal because its a short loop , the idea is if you have longer loops you dont have to listen through the whole long loop to hear the edit points it makes it quick and easy to just be creative.
The reason i would have a two second gap is if the music is very similar it is hard to destinguish where the loop point is if it sounds perfect.
All these little things make creating a good loop point very easy and fast, at the moment there is no fast logic everything is clunky and awkward.
Twisted wave is a great example of a well thought of app designed for users that dont like wasting time, so its a good referance point.
OK! ive had my say from now on its bug reports only.
Thanks all