peter There is a logic: The zoom will always happen at the location of the pinch gesture. This was an explicit change request (not sure if it was your request or not). Only exception is when using the zoom buttons, then the it will work around the playhead.
The zoom i am talking about is when using the zoom buttons only.
Lets say i open a song with loops and the playhead is at begining, if i now use zoom buttons only i expect the extreme zoom to zoom in on the playhead only which it actually does this , but if i select a loop and pinch to zoom in on a section of this loop then use zoom button then it defaults to playhead which might be at begining of loop this then takes me away from my place of interest, once a pinch gesture is used the zoom buttons need to remain on that zoom point not revert to playhead position.
The Logic is almost perfect but not quite there.
I have just noticed another issue when Zooming in on selected loop, the playhead is not in line with the waveform begining but on the movement handle position.
Zoom logic when using the buttons only.
If no selection of loops is present zoom buttons focus on playhead position and place this point to MIDDLE of screen.
Selecting a loop the zoom buttons focus in on the loop untill the loop is full on screen, any further zoom using buttons then focuses on the begining of the loop where the playhead is and places the focus point to the MIDDLE of screen.
In other words the zoom point is allways in the middle of screen it never shifts to the sides, as this creates confusion unless its at the songs absolute begining or end point.
Once you double tap a loop and it is zoomed fully on screen further zoom with buttons focuses on the playhead position.
A double tap on loop and a pinch gesture focuses on the pinch gestures centre position and keeps that centre position when futher button zooms occur.
The button zoom buttons will alway follow a pinch gesture point and will change logic to follow playhead once a loop is selected or a timeline playhead andjustment is made.
The zoom point should always be to center of screen unless you are at extreme ends of song.
There is a problem when using the pinch gesture than using the zoom buttons the positioning of zoom point is lost.