Hi Peter, i mentioned this before and i still stand by it after using ST3 for quite a while.
I dont agree that ST3 defaults to SONG MODE everytime you exit and enter the program, this is operationally not logical, this could possibly be logical the first time you open ST3 but after that when you open ST3 it should default to the exact place where you were when you shut it down, this creates a much smoother work flow.As i prep my gig i normally shut down on the playlist i am about to perform, as i setup my pa and fire up ST3 i expect to just hit play and away i go.
When you purchase the software there is nothing in song mode so it is logical to have it open in that window as default but after that it becomes a pain.
ST3 Logic Feedback
I know and repeating your requests will not help. In fact each time you repeat something, I need to spend time reading through it and answering. This is time I can not spend on developing the app which means new versions take longer. At least wait for a new feature version and see if it is implemented before repeating your requests.
Believe me, I read through requests and most of the stuff is added to my tasklist which is then worked through for each new feature release. Stuff that does not land on my task list will still not land there after repeating the request!
Bottom line: This request is already implemented for version 3.6.