I was trying to figure how to duplicate my library and audio onto a second iPad as a failsafe back up for live performances. I can't quite figure it out. I have used OnSong for lyrics on live shows for some years and I can 'beam' my setlists from one iPad to the other thus duplicating them exactly. Is there a way to do something similar with Stage Traxx. Thankyou for a great app. Joe Creighton. www.joecreighton.com
Backup to a second ipad
joseph Hi Joseph, It’s really easy to do what you want, just go to settings on your main device and scroll down to Backups , then create a full backup and name it.
This backup is normally created in your ST3 Folder, to get to this folder while still in settings scroll a bit further down to Info, then select Show Stage Traxx 3 files, this will open the ST3 Folder where all the songs reside plus the backup files , to find your backup file easier go to top right circular blue icon with 3 dots, select it and choose List and Date option , this will place your newly added backup file in the front of your list, long press this full backup file and choose share, then airdrop the file to your new device, make sure your new device is near by and airdrop enabled, once your new device has received the full backup it will ask you where to put it, choose ST3 folder and save it there, now open ST3 on new device, go to settings and restore from this full backup file and you are done, you have an identical duplicate on both devices, I always only change or update one device I regard as my main device and always use this device to update all my other devices to keep them relatively in sync otherwise thing’s can get confusing and out of hand.
I believe new updates will change this where all devices will sync up automatically via iCloud just like notepad and diary are at the moment, this will definitely make life much easier.
Cheers Damir
Damit explained it really well. In addition to that please take a look at the backup chapter in the user guide: https://stagetraxx.com/user-guide/backups/
- Edited
Kitarist Hello, I have one question I have AirTurn Digit lll controller with Stagetraxx 3. Did you solve the issue how to scroll threw songs….I can’t find solution, it only goes by single press up and down but it doesn’t work when I push and hold the button. Thanks
From memory, there is a setting in Digit3 software to turn that on , I think you need to get the AirTurn software which allows you to tweak their remotes via computer.
You can also set other parameters within the software and update your firmware.
I better check this again myself to see if I am up to date.
Good luck with it !
Go to App Store download AirTurn manager,
Use this software to connect to digit3 once connected choose Key repeat and turn it on , there you also have delay before key repeat and key repeat rate to adjust to your liking.
You also have UPDATE where you can check for latest updates, my Digit3 is V2.3.2 E218 , I believe that is the latest.