Hi Peter I’ve found that not all pdf scrolling commands are sent reliably from the host to the client. I’m using my iPad as the host and my iPhone 11 as the client and find that only the commands that set the top of a page (e.g p1.0, p1.0) are being sent from the iPad. My iPhone doesn’t respond to any other commands (e.g p1.1, p1.2). Is there a setting I’ve missed somewhere?
Only certain Pdf scrolling commands are sent to client
Unfortunately the way these commands work in a pdf document is that they ansure that the specific part of the page is visible. So if you write p1.1 you can be sure that this slice will be visible. It does not mean it will scroll to the top of the page (it might though). The PDF viewer is a bit inflexible in that regard.
That’s a great shame because on my iPad the scrolling is quite smooth. I can’t quite understand why on the client the scrolling doesn’t mirror exactly what’s happening on the host but I’m not the expert. I find that pdf scrolling is a great help when performing acoustic songs ie no backing tracks. I know roughly the song duration and number of pdf pages therefore can work out the scrolling speed fir the pages. This works very well for me. As I said it’s a shame a client device cannot mirror the same view as the host.
No, all commands are sent to the client. But the pdf viewer might behave different due to different screen sizes. But it will always make sure that the specified part of the page will be visible at the given time.
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Hi Peter I have just created a full backup of my iPad and restored it on to my iPhone so that both devices are identical from a STAGETRAXX perspective. If I play a song containing detailed pdf scrolling commands on my ipad then the same song on my iPhone the scrolling behaviour of the pdf pages is identical on both devices. This is what I would expect. However if I connect the two devices in a host/client relationship (it doesn’t matter which one is which) and play the same song on the host, the pdf scrolling behaviour on the client does not follow. Surely this cannot be correct?
Ps for info these are the commands I used
[pdf@00:00.00: p1.0]
[pdf@00:45.00: p1.1]
[pdf@00:54.00: p1.2]
[pdf@01:03.00: p1.3]
[pdf@01:12.00: p1.4]
[pdf@01:21.00: p1.5]
[pdf@01:30.00: p1.6]
[pdf@01:39.00: p1.7]
[pdf@01:48.00: p1.8]
[pdf@01:57.00: p1.9]
[pdf@02:06.00: p2.0]
[pdf@02:15.00: p2.1]
[pdf@02:24.00: p2.2]
[pdf@02:33.00: p2.3]
[pdf@02:42.00: p2.4]
[pdf@02:51.00: p2.5]
[pdf@03:00.00: p2.6]
[pdf@03:09.00: p2.7]
[pdf@03:18.00: p2.8]
[pdf@03:27.00: p2.9]
[pdf@03:36.00: p3.0]
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I just tried it and both host and network client move in sync if the screen size is the same. If not, one of them might move more often but in all cases the scrolling commands are executed on host and client.
And I could not explain why it should be different because host and client use the same code to perform scrolling.
Do you maybe have the Show Local Lyrics option enabled on the client and there is a version of that song on that client, that has different scrolling commands?
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The Show Local lyrics option is disabled on both devices. The songs are identical on both devices as both have been restored with the same full backup. If I play the song on either device the scrolling is identical. Its when I host/client the two devices the problem occurs.
Does anyone else experience this? I'm really not able to see the issue on my end.
Rechecked today and same thing is occurring. Its strange that you’re not seeing the issue as well. Did you try sending from an iPad to iphone using the same scrolling data as me? I’m interested in seeing what happens using my other iPad (ie IPad to ipad) but I’m away from home for a few weeks and don’t have access it
Yes, I tested it specifically between iPhone and iPad. Both displayed the correct part of the page at the correct time regardless which one was client and host.
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I tried different zoom factors. With my default (scale to page width) the iPhone would display more than 1 page at once and therefore there would be nearly no scrolling (which is correct in that case as the whole page is visible).
Hello, I have tried all settings but my lyrics don't scroll ! Do I need always time stamps in all my (pdf) lyrics ? Can I not scroll with my pdf lyrics ?