Hi Peter i entered time code to my song and as I almost completed the song the app just crashed, I then reloaded the software entered song edit again the lyrics were remembered but all my time code data was gone, I don’t recall doing anything unusual at time of crash and I can’t remember how to download a data file to you can you remind me so I can send it to you I am using a10.5 inch I pad pro 256gb.
Stage Traxx beta version 3.0.0
Peter re Play Next indicator .Sorry for the confusion I was referring to the Playlist page not the Queue
as at the moment I am working from Playlist until I get comfortable with the Queue.
Great work and as you say V3 opens up many doors for the future.
Cheers Barry
Damir Sorry, your last message has been lost as you wrote it while I did a forum update. But I read it and yes, I think you are right. It has something to do with the end of the lyrics. Could you please send me your lyrics to support@fieryapps.com? I will try to reproduce and fix the problem.
Bazz02 I understood you, but what would you gain if the next indicator is not displayed?
Fretwizard As I said in my reply I can open song list with switch 6 foot pedal, scroll to select song and then add to cue list. However if the song list is on history tab I can’t scroll and add song to cue?
I just tried to reproduce this and for me it is working without issues in the history tab and the other tabs. Do I need to follow some specific steps?
Regarding the autoplay problem: I can reproduce this and will fix it in the next beta.
Ok Peter think I’ve found out my problem re Play Next on the Playlist page.
When in Playlist page:
Select song to play—Song plays.
while song is playing Select a Play next song etc.All fine
All these songs naturally enter the Queue.
After say playing 20 or more songs in Playlist mode you forget to Select next song.
The song play next is selected for you by what Play next is in the Queue.
It is confusing .I thought when in Playlist mode the Queue didn’t matter.
Sorry to keep bringing this point up.
So for all us Stuck on Version 2 logic last suggestion:
Is it possible to have a setting where selected playlists / songs do or don’t enter the Queue.
Cheers Barry
EddieH I don’t agree with your thinking we shouldn’t give up anything we really liked about V2 , but we should expect a more powerful tool from V3
Tempo/pitch change on the run etc.
These things really matter yes the way V2 loaded new songs on the run sucked and the way it synced up with iTunes was confusing and frustrating but fix that don’t change something that really worked well on stage for the sake of change.
a simple one page interface that had everything you needed right there in your face or on your foot.
A powerful yet simple operation volume remembered for each song and playlist master volume easily accessible everything neatly presented and remembered these things are what matter .
You fire up the old version from last gig clear played songs you are ready to go again lyrics in your face all the time nothing hidden or on another page this is the key to a well designed program to top it all off I haven’t managed to crash it once, which is unheard of as I am the master of finding how to crash any program.
I will end up on V3 when it gets to that stage and puts a smile on my face when I’m on stage like V2 did.
Bazz02 Barry, you are trying very hard to keep your known workflow from version 2 in version 3. I'm afraid ultimately that is doomed to fail. As I wrote a couple of times, the whole app is build around the queue system. There is no way to use the queue based system and the old playlist based system in parallel.
I still don't get why it is so important to keep the order of the songs in the playlist fixed and constantly jump around in your playlist when selecting the songs to play. Why not just double tap on the next song you want to play and it will be sitting right on the top of the queue and then removed. Please enlighten me, I really lack understanding here. The only argument I understand so far is that this is what you are used to.
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I’m really getting the impression that a few people on here have a very short memory. It wasn’t very long ago that peter announced that he wasn’t going to develop ST3 and people were begging him to reconsider. Peter thankfully did reconsider and has spent months creating a fantastic new version that works really well. But.... all certain people can do is criticise his hard work.
Personally I think you should all be grateful to Peter and stop giving him a hard time banging on about ST2. I personally think that ST3 is the next step and I wish certain people would stop going on about making ST3 exactly the same as ST2.
ST3 does everything ST2 does, just slightly differently. And ... It also does a whole lot more and will continue to get even better.
I have embraced the new way of doing things, try it ... it’s great!
Put simply... ST2 is ST2 and ST3 is ST3
If you think ST2 is better for you then just use ST2! And shut up about it!
I think ST3 is much better so thank you Peter for all your hard work. :-)
And Peter, this app should be priced at £19.99 minimum! You deserve more for producing the best musical performance app out there. I think everyone would agree with that. Thanks.
peter Sorry Peter, I hadn’t updated to the latest version. All working now. Thanks
Fretwizard,This is a beta forum were all can air their views.Sorry if it sounds like we are banging on about it(V2).I suppose I was hoping for the best of both worlds but as Peter pointed out its not the way forward.
So as I’ve said in numerous posts thank you Peter for all your understanding and hard work.
Fretwizard great quote “ST2 is ST2 and ST3 is ST3”.
So I’m joining the Queue
Cheers Barry
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Bazz02 Thanks Barry, The queue system works really well when you get the hang of it. I just open a playlist at start of gig and then tap on a pedal on my stomp 6 that opens playlist window. I select the songs tab and then go back to player view on queue window.
From there I can start/stop song, navigate up and down my queue list, select next song and switch auto play on and off all with my feet whilst playing guitar and singing. I love the fact that the songs disappear from the que once played as it makes the list shorter so I can scroll through remaining songs faster. It works great. If I want to do a song that’s not in the queue I just push the pedal to open the songs tab (which could be set to history too) and just scroll then select the song which adds it to top of the queue. Simple.
Everyone needs to get a stomp 6 if they don’t want to be touching the iPad to find and select songs. With the stomp 6 and ST3 I have all I need. And it’s bullet proof like ST2.
I threw myself into the new way of working from the start and I actually prefer ST3 now. If you give it a go you’ll get your head round it. Took me a few gigs to get used to it ...then happy days! I wouldn’t go back to ST2 now, I like all the extra features.
:-) Peter has done an amazing job ... Again!
Guys, no worries. In Germany we say: "Wo gehobelt wird, da fallen Späne". I guess the english synonym would be: "you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs". I develop software for a living for the last 25 years. So I saw my fair share of reactions when new versions of an app introduced some big changes that broke functionality for existing users.
ST3 introduced a big change with the queue model that made it difficult to stick to usage patterns that worked well in version 2. I can understand the frustration of trying to use the software the same way you did with version 2. But to be absolutely clear: in my opinion the queue model is superior to the playlist based system. Please try to embrace it for an evening. So load your playlist into the queue, and try to get by in queue mode. If there are specific things you miss in this mode, I will try to improve (like I did with things like double tap actions, adding back the coloring of items and so on). But I will not switch back to the playlist system.
I am about 30% finished with the manual. If things go well I might finish it end of next week. It might clear up some stuff.
Peter, is it possible to add a way to increase the AirTurn foot pedal repeat speed when held down so I can scroll up and down through lists faster? Thanks.
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Fretwizard I believe this can be found in the advanced settings of your pedal. If you select your pedal in the Airturn settings in Stage Traxx, then select Advanced settings and here it is somewhere. The setting is called "Key Repeat Rate".
You can also change it in the Airturn Manager app.
peter I have been using the stomp 6 in keyboard mode, so no advanced options. I’ll try AirDirect mode Tomorrow and have a look. Thanks.
Fretwizard I agree, the version 3, is very intuitive, easy to work with and have many different choices, to suit the most demanding musician/Singer.
The que is very smart, and among many possibilities, you change everythng during play, even change playlist, and it the lyrics are swell.
I find the program to cheap, a adequate price, would be around 60-80 Euro.
My studio and the plugins, costs a lot more, but Peters superb program, Bess the most of them.
Hopefully, as a user, read and try, and probably you find a suitable solution. Some people, the mostly, have an attitude to stay in the familiarize, but a new version, is and should be, a new version.
Good work Peter!
New beta build 3554
I am hunting some database errors that are hard to grab. This version will display more information in case of errors. If you see a "Unexpected error" window, please make a screenshot and send it to me.
- Error dialog will display more details in case of database errors
- Screen lock disabled during song import
- Fixed info message when moving song in queue
- Fixed possible crash during song refresh
- Fixed UI not updated when toggling autoplay via pedal
peter Hi Peter, Did a bit of research and the stomp 6 isn’t Airdirect compatible so no advanced settings. Not to worry I’ve just ordered the AirTurn Bt200s-6. Hopefully that’ll do what I need. Thanks.