Hi Peter,
Wow, that’s a genial solution, thank you! That actually resolves both issues 🙂
A few things that might be needed with the new feature (I guess that would only make it in the next version):
- a visual feedback when adding songs to the queue from within player window. Maybe a change of background when tapping the song title would do, some kind of quick “flash”, so you know “ok, song was added to the queue”. Actually, “Added to queue” feedback is gone overall, this kind of “flash” (quick fade-in/fade-out of a white background for the title that you just tapped) might be optimal as an overall feedback when songs or playlists are being added to the queue
- search bar in the Songs tab of the player view
- a “Clear” button in the Queue tab of the player view
- an option to select which of this tabs would be active by default when the player window opens (ie. for me it would need to show the Songs tab all the time). Same option might be cool for the main windows also.
Some things that might need to be fixed:
- headers of the main windows (except Settings and History) are “pushed” up by default, so they have smaller font size and are middle centered. When pulling down, they get to their normal position (big font size and left centered). BTW, would look maybe better if the headers would be always centered
- you can swipe up in the main windows even when the content doesn’t fill the screen. This makes the header change to small when swiping and then back to big when releasing
- when first opening sections with a lot of content (in both main and player views), it takes about 2 seconds before the content appears. Actually, even with about 20 items, the content takes about 1 second to show up.
- seems to me that the app takes longer to start (about 3 seconds)
Thanks again for the great work, the app is now almost perfect for the way I use it, I will look forward for the organisation feature in the next version (year, key, genre tags aso.) and maybe having the already played songs marked as played (different background), eventually with a counter and a “last played” date 🙂 ... that would be the icing on the cake 🙂
Have a great day!