Can someone explain to why we have a filter option in Playlists first window where only playlists are presented.
I just dont get it i thought filters were associated with songs, so why have a flter option there?
Wouldnt it be more handy having DATE CREATED option instead and an alphabetical name order filter.
If i cant setup a playlist filter cryteria why would i want a filter search option when i cant find anything related to the playlists, it seems like either an unfinished add on or a total mistake,
If i choose any song filters all my playlists dissapear as expected, where do i enter the filter cryteria to work on my playlists?
If i choose an existing filter option designed for songs in the playlist filter list all my playlists dissapear and thats understandable because there arent any filter options that apply to the playlist window, so i am baffled by this option.
Then when you enter a playlist there is no filter option, now this is where i was expecting it to be, just like SONG mode, that word CONSISTANCY has been forgotten again.
Am i sounding like a grumpy old man ? thats because i probably am
I would also expect the playlist filter selection to have no connection to song filter option, otherwise there will be a total nightmare if you have to look after two filter options settings to not cause issues while performing.