Hi Peter, would it be possible to make HISTORY option perform just like PLAYLIST.
Here are my thoughts that i believe evryone would find very easy to use and very practical.
when you click on history you get presented with a first screen that has the same look and feel of a PLAYLIST selection window except it is filled with dated modules which represent your dated gigs , so if you use your ipad and play a song fully it is automatically saved in to this dated history list that resides in HISTORY, If you then chose this dated box that can be renamed to an actual gig name for later easy find , if you click on that box it opens up the history of played songs just like playlis view but its an actual history list, which you can use in any way that a normal playlist uses it can be emailed copied to create another playlist and so on. If you are playing a song and enter history it will display all that days history for easy access, once you finished a gig, the history is packaged in to this dated box like a song box with a date, you can swipe right to rename this box delete it or perhaps save it as a text file to anothe folder or transfer to another device.
The principle to be the same as a PLAYLIST but its an actual HISTORY list, this is automated so it reguires no operational input, yet it is available for users weeks later if they use it heavily they can delete unnecessary days of history or all clear to start from scratch, it doesn’t allow you to manipulate the order like playlist but it allows you to select and create or add to a playlist from history.
This would then have great benefits as you could use history not just from last gig but from all gigs to create or add songs to playlists,
That way the playlist area does not get overpopulated and overtaken by history.
History stays in history.
There would be many more benefits from this way of handling history.
This basic idea maintains a similar interface to PLAYLIST yet it would be geared to do HISTORY things very easily all in this page so basically copy the playlist idea and design it to suit history operation only.
I would then also have a total disable of history in settings so it is not available at all just like queu, for those that never use it so it makes the interface more simple to view.
Enabling disabling the already played songs should have nothing to do with history and a clear all played songs should not effect history and be available to the user on the front of the interface for easy operation.
Then you are giving us a tool that is very easy to use practical and functional, that doasnt give us more work, it actually gives us no extra work yet if we want it its right there without any effort.