peter and thats the problem this contaminates your playlist , it sounds good but its an actual disaster in real life, i dont understand why you have a history page that actually does nothing bu gives an option to save or clear, this is such a waste of valuable screen,
The history section is the most underutilized page on ST3,
When you enter history page it should be the spot you do everything from, an option to create a new playlist from history, an option to print , to save to other files on device, perhaps email just like playlists, clear all history, yet leaving all played songs markers in tact as that should be a totally independant choice to clear or enable and disable, as it has nothing to do with history, this history page than starts to be the heart of dealing with anything history related and has deserved a major spot in the interface like SONG, PLAYLIST, QUEUE,
at the moment it does nothing very useful it clutters up your playlists it clears your history page to disable your already played songs which has no relationship with the history usage yet it interfears with it, IT JUST DOASNT MAKE SENSE, .
I expect to choose history page and be able to do important things in this page, at the moment i have two choices which i dont want to do neither of those options for reasons mentioned earlier.
Make HISTORY page do something useful, like SONG but different , SONG deals with all our songs we have, HISTORY should do the same but its only dealing with your playing history, it makes more sense, then this page becomes worthy of being on the primary interface.
There is no reason to automatically contaminate playlists , this is not the area history belongs, history belongs in history page and thats it.
What we then choose to do with it should be up to us, but it should be within this page as this is the master page for HISTORY.
DONT CONTAMINATE PLAYLISTS so i can start using history for useful purposes, as i said to you in the early stages of development i didnt like the way history was then and my opinion still remains unchanged.
Perhaps i am looking at it from one angle, i would apreciate anyone to guide me to see it from another angle perhaps i am missing something.