Just pointing out some more dumb logic in the operating system thats designed by computer nerds that dont care about normal real users.
In the Song naming process if you have the same name but different versions of it , if it goes past 10 it aligns the songs in a this way VIC 1, VIC 11, VIC 12, VIC 13, ETC THEN IT GOES TO VIC 2 etc, in computer nerds land this is correct, but in real life land its wrong, it should be
VIC1, VIC 2, VIC 3, VIC 4, VIC 5, VIC 6, VIC 7, VIC 8, VIC 9, VIC 10, VIC 11, VIC 12, VIC 13, VIC 14, VIC 15, VIC 16, VIC 17, VIC 18.
VIC1, VIC 10, VIC 11, VIC 12, VIC 13, VIC 14, VIC 15, VIC 16, VIC 17, VIC 18, VIC 2, VIC 3, VIC 4, VIC 5, VIC 6, VIC 7, VIC 8, VIC 9
This logic that exists is not designed for normal everyday users but for computer geeks who think in computer language, thats fine but you have to then use this computer language to program something that reflects real life users way of thinking and using.
We dont want to become computer operator programers we want to remain normal people using devices that work for us in a normal way.
This is a message to who ever cares.