Hello Peter I just thought I’d share a recent experience Ive had with regards to preparing multi track songs which could affect other users.
I’ve been gradually converting some of my older stereo backing tracks to multi track songs hoping to give them a new lease of life.
Unfortunately as I worked through each song I didn’t appreciate the importance of ensuring each multitrack needs to have a unique file identifier for STAGETRAXX purposes (I think I’m right in saying that now). Instead for each song I used a very simple system of naming each track by its instrument name i.e. Drums.mp3, Bass.mp3, Piano.mp3 and so on. The problem of course was I loaded STAGETRAXX with different multitrack audio files with the same name!
I only realised the problem when on playing the last song I had created, surprise surprise, a mixture of different song files were being playing and not the ones I expected for that song! I went back and uniquely renamed each audio file and problem solved.
The funny thing is though I know I have other songs with duplicate file names and so far there hasn’t been a problem with them.
I can’t see anything in the user guide warning against this but you could say that user common sense should prevail.
However if this aspect is so important maybe STAGETRAXX should prevent duplicate multi file names being imported?