At the moment we have a disjointed way of operation that works ok but not really user friendly or flexible.
I like the PDF feature
And i Love the Text feature
I really want to use both of them but i dont like the way PDFs take over a lyrics only song.
To me if you are saying LYRICS ONLY means either PDFs or TEXT files is your choice then make it more logical when it comes to actually using it , at the moment you make us choose between the two in the SONG DETAILS page but then you have one rule for TEXT and another for PDF, why not make it the same and give the user a simple instant choice of which one they want.
My suggestion is if you choose You need Lyrics only (TEXT) once you have created this file and return to song detail main window you should be able to create a PDF file as well, but from then on if you return to song detail if you touch the EDIT LYRICS it actually selects that field and highlights it to indicate that is your choice and enters the lyrics editor, if you return to song detail again and choose PDF document, which i would call EDIT PDF just to maintain labeling consistancy with the edit lyrics, then the PDF field gets highlighted meaning you choose to use the PDF system and enters the PDF edit functions.
This means you dont need to do unnecessary cancellation of pdfs to get back to lyrics and you can simply bounce between the two with a simple choice of which row you choose to highlight in song edit.
The switching is done simply and you can have one or the other but its an instant choice.
To add to this i like the way pdfs have a folder, TEXT Lyrics need this same identical way of storage to maintain flexability, consistancy and ease of use, no manual required.
Now the two systems are fighting they need to be made friends.
Both of them have great advantages why not have them both available by a touch of a button.
Here is a final suggestion that i think would really help the user,
If you made it so the user could bring up the Song Edit window while performing so he could see and change these two settings on the run it would mean you could swap from lyrics only to notation view on the run if you chose to and double check other settings while a song is playing perhaps not being able to change anything appart from the pdf/text choice but having visual setting confirmation of all other settings , a tap outside gets you back to normal.
Now thats user freedom to operate how we want.
Idealy you want to be able to switch between the two formats on the main window but its getting pretty cramped, and the number of people that would use this it justifies to be a page away.

Keep in mind if NONE is present no highlighting should be seen the photo is just a visual example of a more logical layout.
You will notice a NONE on the playlist, this makes it easy to see if you havent chosen any playlists yet, i know it would help because i have forgotten to choose playlists and need to enter this selection to double check, having it tell me its empty saves me double checking all songs. In actual fact a numer representing how many playlists this song is used in would be rally useful there, just like playcount is.
Edit lyrics should display the Text file name in the NONE area when loaded, at least it should display the songs name to maintain consistancy with PDF option.
The two options PDF/ TEXT should be treated exactly the same the only difference is they are different formats, the operation to use them should be the same.