I love the way you can easily and quickly place songs to playlists, this is very flexible and fast.
I hate the way the filter system works it would be great if it worked like the playlist system worked , you create your filers in one place chose which filters you want to apply then scroll through song list and apply the filtering to songs aplicable, this would be much faster, you can use the existing system for individual filter tweaks but a faster filter application to all songs is required.
I dont like when i get search results the number of results is shown at the end of the search list where you cant instantly see it , very useful but pointless how it is now, needs to be in the top section always visible.
Love the ability to change all songs colours in playlists this really saves time now and is user friendly,
Would be even greater if you can select default colouring when creating Stereo tracks, Multitrack, Lyrics only, PDF lyrics only songs to be able to instantly use colouring for newly created files.This would save time when creating new songs.So if you use all four file types you istantly get you colour selection of choice.