SWIPE TO RIGHT on any song in any window, to just quick listen to this song, no pop up windows appearing no other actions like auto play etc, just a simple play to end and stop, if another song is swiped to right immediately plays that song.
This allows us to quickly determine whiich version of the same song to choose to speed up the pre production of playlists or other editing needs.
This swipe to right action to be available only in SONG,PLAYLIST, WITH LYRICS WINDOW CLOSED.
A double tap opens the main window and plays the song unless there is a song playing in which case it places it in the next song mode, a swipe to right samples this song and nothing else.
At the moment it just assumes you want to perform this song and opens up the main window and thats great if performing, but not so great if you are preparing a playlist and want a quick preview of the song before committing to anything.
I know this auto pop up lyrics can be changed in settings, but i dont like chaging my standard performance settings as it can be dangerous if you forget to change back afterwards and start performing.
A lot of of time is actually spent preparing set playlists we dont need lyrics poping up we just want a quick sample of a song to make sure it is the correct choice, this would be handy in playlists and Song mode.
With some songs i have 3 versions of the same songs, Style, Pitch, Speed might be different so having a quick way of sampling the songs would really save time not to mention if using MULTITRACK.
Can Anyone else think of a simpler way or is there a way to achieve this already that im not aware of?
Cheers Damir