First of all, thank's so much for all the support and making a stellar app that does everything I need Peter! As a gigging duo, the more that's automated, the more time I save and the easier gigs are!
I am a little unsure as to how to write the midi code. I have tried to look for vids and do due dilligence...I am moving from onsong but understand instead of menu programming I program midi commands (pc,cc,cc value from the lyrics edit. I think that's a better way to do it if I understood how cause your way I could copy and paste a template instead of digging through endless menus!
I'm also not sure how to test it because my context menu doesn't offer a send midi option. is there somewhere I need to turn on the contextual menu for midi?
what I'm trying to do: Have patches on my ve-500 boss and helix lt (midi channels 1 and 2 respectively) change the moment song lyrics pop up/the backing track is played
secondary goal: to switch all the effects on the helix by switches snapshots in the time code of lyrics via midi.. (I use momentary footswitch for ve-500 harmonies/vocoders/throws so I don't need stagetraxx to do anything but switch my vocal effects to the correct patch)
the helix works like this in onsong to select a patch
- Select correct bank: Send Control change 3 (the setlist on helix) on channel 1 of midi
- Select correct patch: Send program change 41 on channel 1
Then additionally to do the snapshot 1-8 select (0-7 in midi)
- Give a delay of 900ms
- send a control 69 with value of 2 (Snap 3)
Then the ve-500 roland vocal needs to hear on channel 2 (receive config midi channel)
just the program change 58 (or whatever the number reads eg pc47= patch47)
Switch the
I'm using a wireless widi master (which stagetraxx says it's connected to in setup) for the helix and a widi jack for the ve-500 control.
This is what I tried to put into the lyrics editor:
[MIDI:CC3@1] ::Send a midi command of cc3 to chanel 1 to select bank on Helix::
[MIDI😛C44@1] :: Send a program change to go to patch 43: addicted to love on the Helix::
[MIDI:CC69:2@1 @00:02] ::To 2 seconds after playing switch the snpshot to the 2nd snapshot on Helix::
[MIDI😛C32@2] :To send the command to the ve-500 on chanel 2 to switch to patch 32:Addicted to Love::
song:Addicted to Love
So I'm sure I've missed the finer points, please let me know what I"m doing wrong and how the syntax should look as well as how to get the midi contextual menu so I can test this.
thanks to you and everyone for your help!