Is it possible to highlight the text line timecode only in RED that is currently beeing used?
By doing this it gives us a very good visual indication of where we are in the song when doing retakes of timecode entering.
This would be specially useful when using small devices as the play fader is very small to use as a guide and you would not have to keep looking at the position timer all the time and doing a mathematical equasion to where you are it would be highlighted in the timecode automatically so you can quickly reposition to the correct retake point and it would give you a visual queu to when you have to enter the next time stamp as it quides you in to an exact point when you have to hit the next time stamp.
My 2 cents worth of how get this to work.
Perhaps just trigger a colour change by using the song clock position, so whenever it matches the timecode of the individual timecode line it turns that timecode RED as it hits another timecode line it restores the old timecode to blue and highlights the new line timecode from blue to red.This means when you manouvre around the song using the fader it will show you exactly to where you are in the text editor, now you dont have to use your ears to figure out to where you are as it can be really hard to do if the song is very repetitious and it all sounds the same, and you dont have to keep looking at the song time clock and do a mathematical equasion comparison to where you are every time you need to reque.
It would be sooo much easier to do edits.
Peter i am focusing on the TEXT EDITOR for a reason, and that is i cant remember lyrics to save my life so thats why i use ST3 because no other software has such good integration between the two needs. The easy part is to just load a song and play it, but the time consuming part is creating a final finished song that actually works for me on stage.
Entering auto sync lyrics with chords is very time consuming so any improvements to make this process as short and painless as possible is very important in actual fact i would say more important then multi tracking, as that is a complicated beast which i wish i had when i was younger and had my band but only a few users nowdays will find this usefull as it is very specialised and requires a lot of audio knowledge to be used beneficially, the end result on stage is almost undetectable by normal listeners but is very handy for live bands that want to supliment their performances, lyrics on the other hand would be used by the majority so thats why i am trying to make suggestions for it to be improved to the point where everyone is capable of using it no matter what their expertese is.
So please consider the 4 main things i have proposed in the near future
1 Chord/Text being in visual sync when editing and using timecode
2 Timecode entering will auto skip unnecessary lines when using Chord/Text lines
3 Easily delete Timecode and have undo/redo in text edit process
4 Colour line timecode/only in RED that is in sync with the song position clock