Hi Peter, I have Just Purchased the latest Apple AirPods Pro series of Bluetooth ear pieces and have found they don’t work with ST3 to their full capabilities, yes I get sound out of them and they sound fantastic but I don’t get all the Stop/Start , Next song, Control when I use these functions in ST3 , The Music app is controlled instead in the background, and this is very annoying and frustrating, this is not the case when I use other software like Netflix.
It would be very useful to have all features available in ST3 , AirPods being an Apple product should immediately give me full features on the app I am using and not force me to controlling MUSIC app which I have no desire in using, why is this not working in ST3 ?
Because ST3 is my preferred music app for performing and listening to music I would like all my AirPods features to be available in ST3.
Surely Apple hasn’t done something to prevent this if so I am returning both my wife’s and my very expensive AirPods.
Cheers Damir