Hi Peter i have just noticed when i am in ST3 Folder and using KIND as order option.

The file type extension is shown on the .st3 but not on all the other audio formats which makes it hard to destinguish between them.
All file extensions should be visible and placed in file extension alphabetical order.
At the moment when you chose order by KIND it appears to be this, .m4a , .wav, .st3, .mp3 i dont understand why, its not aphabetical which makes it confusing and the fact you cant see all file extensions and all the audio files have the same icons it makes it impossible to be useful, the only way is to open info of every file to see what it actually is.
Logic in KIND should be on top .A .B .C then if you press KIND again it should swap to on top .C .B .A
All extensions to be visible, and different icons for different audio file type.
Cheers Damir