Hi Peter heres some feedback on these two wonderful features.
Issues i have found is that where you have placed the button options does not work well at all.
Firstly the buttons are usually never there when you need them.
They need to be on the right side of search allways in view.
i have been caught where i had a Filter selection that had a lot of songs but not all the songs, it took me ages to figure out i was missing songs in SONG MODE , because the Filter button was allways hidden from me so i could never see it because when you enter SONG MODE the now playing song appears in the middle, i know this is a nice feature but it also hides the more important buttons like FILTER .
Also my feeling is the filter option should always be cleared as you enter or exit song mode this way you are allways searching the whole SONG LIBRARY by default then if you want filtering you choose the filter you want thats clearly and easily visible at all times while in SONG MODE.
So what i would like to see when i enter SONG MODE is SORT BY and FILTER to be allways present in view no matter where in the song list i am as i have around 5000 files TO scroll through, and i expect search to be allways searching my whole song library by default unless i choose a FILTER for that particular search, so next time i exit and come back to song mode i expect no filter to be selected.
I hope you see the importance of my logic and i am pretty sure you might be aware of this by now from others.
Cheers Damir

I think it is a good idea to place the filter and sort buttons the left or right side of the searchbar. But I will need to see if this is possible with the standard searchbar iOS offers.

Regarding the clearing of the filter: this was a design decission I made because opening and closing the big player is technically closing the song view and reopening it again. If I would clear the filters every time the view is closed, you would loose context whenever you switch to and from the big player view. I found that very irritating.

    peter Yes by having the Filter available at all times in SONG MODE gives you easier controll over it.But i still think it is something you choose temporarely as you are searching for a waltz or female songs etc this is great but most times you are searching for a song name and when you enter song mode you dont need to be bothered by your last filter selection you are just desperate for what you type in search you dont have time to be checking and changing filter settings.
    Search should be primary search that looks at whole library allways a filter setting should be secondary option to narrow down your search.
    As you dont know what you search requirement will be next time you need it thats why it should always divert to a standard search of the whole song library.
    At the moment the filter is a trap you always have to check before you do a search, but it should be a conveniance should you need it.
    The filter is a great live performance help if setup correctly.
    In actual fact i could easily make use of it in PLAYLIST PLAY MODE with lyrics, i would have the button on right side of playlist name and i would also have it in PLAYLIST PLAY MODE no lyrics display with all the other options next to alphabetical order function button as it only makes sense as it is near this option in SONG MODE. Keep everything uniform in all windows to avoid confusion.
    I understand if it cant be done logically because technical issues but operationally things have to be as simple and consistant as possible as this software is growing in complexity very quickly and will frighten many users away if overcomplicated.

    While i have your attention another example of poor placement of buttons is the AUTO PLAY button and NUMBER OF SONGS and TIME in begining of playlist that dissapears as you scroll the playlist.
    This is so frustrating as you loose this information unnecesarily i would have the AUTO PLAY button just after
    < PLAYLISTS X auto play Playlist Name X no of songs and time then EDIT.
    This then allows you to see all important information, at ALL TIMES, about the PLAYLIST you are working in, it just works much better for the end user.
    This logic should be applied everywhere possible.
    I am looking forward to new update
    I have tried to leave positive feedback on App store as i have noticed only two people have written unfair negative feedback but my post did not appear is there a problem with App store feedback system it says 22 people left feedback but only 2 have written as my post did not appear i think something is wrong.
    cheers Damir