Firstly, Peter thank you so much for the Mac version of Stage Traxx i just found out it existed and downloaded it immediately. I am using a 27inch imac and love the large extra screen realestate but i feel as though the software needs some tweaking to suit the screen.
First impressions are allways a good indicator of problems so here is my 2 cents worth.

When you go from main screen to Song Details screen there is too much contrast between them.
One is dark and pleasing to the eyes then you get this bright white washed out screen with small light coloured writing that is positioned to extreeme left and right sides with oversized faders with light coloured knobs, it all needs to be darkened a bit the writing to be larger and darker , the faders reduced a bit and the knobs to stand out.
I am sure you are probbably aware of this already but just incase thats my 2 cents worth so far.
I do have other feedback but will leave it for now as you are probably flat out with other more important issues.
Once again thankyou job well done.

The Mac version is based on the same code as the iOS version. As this version does not generate any additional revenue (it is free for anyone running the iOS version) I will not split the codebase to be able to tweak each platform. The plus side is that the Mac version will always be feature complete compared to the iOS version where my development focus will remain. The downside is that it will not really feel like a native app, more like an iOS app.

Thanks for the Explanation Peter it is so great to have it on all three Platforms.
This Software is the first decent app that actually works well does the job its designed for and is awailable on all three Mac devices that are most popular with users, you should be awarded by Apple for your efforts as you make them look good, they need more developers like you.
Cheers Damir

    a year later

    Damir Where do I find the "Mac version" of the ST3 app?? is it in the App Store???