Maceoparker Hmm...there is no such folder on my Mac. I´ve installed Stagetraxx and put a couple of songs into Stagetraxx.
Maceoparker That is - it shows the hidden files/folders, but there still is no folder that matches the one referenced above.
Maceoparker the "Containers"-folder within the (main user) library folder, there is a folder named "de.dikant.stagetraxx3", which in turn contains the sub-folders mentioned.
peter Which MacOS version are you using? The above link should work on Big Sur. Maybe this is different on other versions. So for you the link is ~/Library/Containers/de.dikant.stagetraxx3/Data/Documents?
Maceoparker Oh, ok. I use Catalina. Mostly because I don´t want my software synths to stop working if I update further.
Damir peter that’s all good if you are a computer whiz but it’s very hard to remember for musicians that occasionally want to get to it that mostly use portable devices then occasionally get on a Mac, I am just pointing out very basic issues to consider when doing the polishing of ST3.