• Mac: Where does Stage Traxx store audio files?

The Mac version of Stage Traxx stores all audio files in the Library folder in your home directory. This folder is hidden by default. To access it open Finder, select the menu item Go -> Go to Folder and enter the following destination: ~/Library/Containers/Stage Traxx 3/Data/Documents

    peter changed the title to Mac: Where does Stage Traxx store audio files? .
    5 months later
    2 months later

    Hmm...there is no such folder on my Mac. I´ve installed Stagetraxx and put a couple of songs into Stagetraxx.

    The "CMD+Shift+."-method to see hidden files/folders doesn´t work.

    That is - it shows the hidden files/folders, but there still is no folder that matches the one referenced above.

    Hmm...in the "Containers"-folder within the (main user) library folder, there is a folder named "de.dikant.stagetraxx3", which in turn contains the sub-folders mentioned.

    Which MacOS version are you using? The above link should work on Big Sur. Maybe this is different on other versions. So for you the link is ~/Library/Containers/de.dikant.stagetraxx3/Data/Documents?

    Oh, ok. I use Catalina. Mostly because I don´t want my software synths to stop working if I update further.

    Yep, for Catalina, then, that would be the link.

    2 years later

    peter that’s all good if you are a computer whiz but it’s very hard to remember for musicians that occasionally want to get to it that mostly use portable devices then occasionally get on a Mac, I am just pointing out very basic issues to consider when doing the polishing of ST3.

    The location of this folder is dictated by macOS and can not be changed by an app.