Thank you for confirming. That's unfortunate :/ -- I wonder if you'd consider adding a "saved mapping" feature to more easily restore channels.
For instance, say I have a situation where I want all audio routed through ch 1/2 on the audio interface. I save this as "Stereo 1/2". Later I plug into a totally different interface (or the same one on a different port considering the above) and it doesn't have this mapping. So I restore the "Stereo 1/2" mapping. This would be enabled if the audio interface has 2 channels.
In my case I'd route these to CH 19 & 20 because that's how my interface works at home.
When connecting to a mixer where I need the inputs to be separated on specific channels I could save the mapping as "Wing Rack", and in this case I have Tracks 1-8 mapped to WING 4-12.
For these cases the mappings would only be restorable if the connected interface has at least 20 & 12 channels respectively.
This would alleviate the issue mostly and also enable flexibility with routing if you connect to different mixers/audio interfaces.