Well, I'd be loathe to take away a feature that works perfectly (and assuming code is easy to maintain) just because:
- Some people don't use it. Obviously 'some' would need to be better quantified, but having worked for software companies for over 20 years I know that a 'vocal minority' can distort reality. And I don't use the term 'vocal minority' disparagingly, it's just that sometimes in a community, a small number of vocal people can sometimes cause a topic to be over represented or biases in a particular direction.
- A feature has the potential to be misused if people don't know how to use it correctly.
If I'm 5 minutes before gig start time, or during a set break, and accidently delete the playlist, I don't want to have to wait 10+ minutes while I mess around trying to get a large full backup on to my iPad and restored. And yes, easier if you have 256GB of local storage and can keep full backups locally, but that is not going to be everyone's setup. And you can be sure, that right when the pressure is on to restore a simple playlist or song, eveything that can go wrong, will go wrong. The internet will go down. Your phone for hotspotting will be dead. Your cloud provider will have an outage. For some reason that AirDrop that should take 30 seconds goes for 5 minutes and then fails mid-transfer for no reason. Your main iPad suddenly doesn't have enough storage space. That's when you'll appreciate having a database backup.
I know these are real 1 in a 1000 (10,000?) type scenarios, but again, I've worked in IT for over 30 years and everyone here works with technology and computers; we all know stuff is going to fail or go sideways at some point and it will invariably occur at the worst possible time.
I do feel that this is a good conversation to have, and should result is some of the scenarios being captured so the knowledge is not lost, or at least is easier to find. If not in the main documentation, where the goal might be for cleaner feature/function description, in a Wiki type repo. Even in my short time here, I'm finding it harder and harder to search for and find content that I know I've seen here in these forums!