All of my mp3s disappeared from my ipad after doing a restore. The metadata restores successfully, but the mp3s are gone.
This information is important to note: I had been doing Database Only backups once a week for the past year on my “main” ipad. I then would immediately restore that backup to the other 2 “extra” ipads. That way I have 2 backup ipads during gigs.
Well, I decided to do a Database Only Backup from one of the “extra” ipads (because I had done a bunch of setlist work/organization), and then tried to restore it to my “main” ipad and the other “extra” ipad.
Again, the metadata restores fine, but there are no mp3s to be found. It looks like they don’t even reside on the target iPads any longer.
I moved some of the mps3 to one of the target ipads, which worked. I then did a restore to see if it would use the mp3s I added back. Nope - I deleted those mp3s from the ipad again.
Do you know what is happening? What folder can I put my mp3s in so that it recognizes them and won’t delete them going forward? I have 2,200+ jazz backing tracks that I’ve worked up over the last several years, so I really need to use the latest Database Only Backup because it has recorded years worth of work within all that metadata.
I did not do a full backup; just a Database Only Backup. I do have multiple copies of the mp3s on external storage devices. Also, I don't use "Sync with iCloud".
Help? Thanks!