Hello everyone,
I’ve tried to find the answer to this but no joy. My question is: how do I get Stagetraxx to move to the next song on the playlist but not play it until I tell it to? I use a Bluetooth pedal to command it.
This gives me a chance to chat to the audience and then press play….I’m sure it’s straightforward but I can’t see what to do!
How do I move to next song but not play it until I’m ready?
Lishy thanks, but I tried this and it loads next song and starts to play! What I’m looking for is for it to load it and await my footswitch command to play.
If you mean the button in top right hand corner which you can toggle on and off then no. I also messed around in settings with it but to no avail. Play back settings has a toggle for autoload next song, but this allows the song to play when it is queued up
I just looked. When the auto play button is not engaged ie it’s white, the song plays and then stops at the end. It doesn’t move to the next song in the playlist.
When I select the auto play button ( turns blue) it plays and then goes to the next song in the playlist, BUT begins to play it with no command from me to do so?
This is my problem.
Clearly, I’m missing something here.
Aha! The penny has dropped, all is working now thanks a million all!