AndyChase15 Hi All, Newbie here so it’s probably me doing something wrong. I can’t see my Sonos devices listed in the volume button in ST3, they are listed on the Control Centre.
profcyclist My iPad with ST3 current version and iOS 18.3 no longer allows the volume up/down buttons on the side of the iPad to control the volume when I have a USB-C cable plugged into it and routing directly to my mixer for channels. It globally locked to max volume from the iPad over USB and clipping the input channel even with input channel gain on 0dB. Not sure what is going on. The volume just shows the AIrplay symbol (blue) and tapping it does nothing. Airpay on the iPad only shows the same iPad.
profcyclist UPDATE: I was able to resolve the high output level as the EQ was set to +12dB for some reason. Setting it to 0dB resolved the output issue. The volume fader on the iPad still stays locked out though.
peter The main volume slider is only a way to change the hardware volume on your iPad. If you connect an audio interface you usually have a volume knob on the audio interface. The main volume slider can not control the output volume of your interface.