I don't want to clog up the forum with a bunch of my own requests, so I'll add a small one here on the audio region editng since it's related.
It would be nice to see sub second divisions in the timeline when zooming in all the way, I haven't done this yet, but I'm going to be using ST3 to fire midi signals to control lights, etc. Since the way of doing this is manually, adding the times to the lyrics document, it would be really helpful if we could see the exact ms marking when, for example, a chorus begins.
I do this when I'm editing the lyrics to make the pdfs jump to the right place, but that doesn't need to be as precise as I'd like the lighting cues to be, as long as I turn the page half a second to a couple hundred ms before in advance of the first bar on the next sheet it's fine. For lighting triggers though, I imagine I'd want to dial the changes in to be in the 10-50ms range, if they are timed with the music, kinda around the threshold of what we can perceive as audible delay.