peter Why would you want playlist specific song colors? These colors are meant to easily identify songs for example a color for each singer or maybe a color for different type of songs.
Please explain your usecase.
Hi Peter, I can only see one reason , if you use 1 playlist to do your whole gig like I do, having colour coding of individual songs in a playlist only would allow you to easily seperate your songs in to coloured sets , so if you do 10 songs a set you could have first 10 songs one colour the next 10 songs another and so on, so you can easily see when you reach the end of sets, yes that would be helpful , BUT it gives you more work to do this , plus it could get confusing if you use colour for specific song types like I do, I have songs with drums one colour and songs without drums another all the songs that are full original songs another colour , this mixed with colours to represent different sets within a playlist would create great confusion , you can always have the song numbers enabled and use that to know when you reach no 10 that’s the end of the first set.
I think having too many options could just create confusion.
Perhaps if the capability is there for those that want it might work as for those that don’t, well they can just leave the original colour coding.
Or if the song colour coding in SONG MODE is always the master colour , but the playlist colours can be manipulated if needed but can be reset to original colours, that way you can choose a different colour for songs in a playlist but it only effects that playlist and can be restored to original colours just like DONE.
The problem there is you only have a small amount of colours to choose from as purple is used for DONE , red is used for now playing , yellow for next song, this only leaves 5 other colours meaning 5 sets can be coloured in a playlist.
It would be interesting to hear what other users think .
It might be useful if you use a playlist as smprockband does, I must admit now the more I think about it, it would help me as well to clearly see at a distance when approaching the end of a set , and I am not bothered with the fact that the colours are different in SONG mode as they are already in my playlist meaning that they are the correct versions of the type of songs I need for that gig , I use the SONG mode colour scheme to choose the correct backing tracks then I change the colours to suit my performance using PLAYLIST mode colours mode which can easily be restored by a reset button which then clears the colours to DEFAULT colours so I can reorder the set lists within the playlist.
I am starting to change my mind about the idea in favour of it, yes its more work but you don't have to use it if it does not suit you and it would be very nice to have on stage when performing and need a clear picture to where you are.
Sorry for the long read but I write as I think, similar to when composing a song, I have bursts of good ideas and need to get them down or else I forget them.