Hi Peter/all, I like the scroll side bar in PLAYLIST mode, as its always there for us to grab and use.
This same logic does not work in SONG MODE, WHY?
The side bar should be available no matter what SORT BY mode we choose, this makes it much more consistent and what's more practical, Now we get alphabetical order if choosing A to Z but if you click and drag where the SCOLL BAR should be it just jumps from LETTER TO LETTER instead of scrolling through the whole song list, this does not work well as you might have a huge song selection under one letter so it becomes very unusable to quickly scroll to a song.
My suggestion is you give us a scroll bar in all areas history, playlist, song and in any SORT BY mode, this way we have consistency of operation .
when choosing alphabetical order you still get all the letters on the side and if you single click on a letter you quickly get to the beginning of that choice , but if you click and hold in that area you get the scroll function that just scrolls through the whole song list showing all songs , this way we have consistency everywhere and a very quick and smooth way of getting to a particular song , plus this way you don't have to click on the side bar then use the mouse wheel to fine search for a song, its as simple as click on a letter than click and hold to find the exact song we need.
What do you think?