OK, here is copy & paste of my answer from the other thread. Please don't ask the same question multiple times.
I don't use Camelot to control hardware gear. All sounds are coming from plugins. So I have just created my song specific setups in Camelot and those have predefined program change numbers. This is one thing I hate about Camelot. Song #1 in a fixed program change number assigned. If I reorder the setlist, all the program changes are mixed up and I have to reprogram everything in Stage Traxx. This is really extremely annoying.
You need to use bank select and program changes, to select a setup in Camelot. The MSB is the setlist, the LSB is the setup and the program change, is the scene. So if you want to select the first setlist, program 10 and scene 1, you need to write this: CC0.1@1,CC32.10@1,PC1@1