Hi Peter/all, I am suggesting a PLAY button and TEMPO display in all songs when in EDIT mode in SONGS, for the reason when you have a large number of performing songs it would make it very quick to hit the play button in that song to sample it , you might have multiple versions of songs or you just can't remember how a song sounds to suit the choices of songs you are requiring, having tempo displayed as well gives you a good idea if you are speeding up or down the show, or maintaining the the pace.
There is plenty of free space for this before the song length display especially in EDIT mode.
All we need is the PLAY/STOP button to be available in each song and if you are playing one song and you hit another songs play button it immediately plays that song , you hit the same button to stop play.
Once you exit EDIT mode this goes back to normal operation.
This would greatly speed up song group selection to create a nice playlist.
Has this been suggested before? as its pretty common in other software.
I just realised this problem and will make a comment.
I also don't like when you select numerous songs and are about to create a playlist if you happen to hit the main PLAY button it EXITS this mode and erases all your selection of songs, this should not be able to happen in this EDIT mode , you have the DONE button to get you out of this mode , the PLAY button should not be overriding the DONE button , otherwise what's the point of DONE , in this EDIT mode you need to change the logic of the PLAY STOP button , it should not be active as you can't select a song and play it as touching a song selects this song with a tick, but you are not sure if you want this song and you can't select it and play it to listen to it as you crash out of this mode and loose all your previous selections, so the smart thing to do is give us this play button on all the songs so we can test the songs , then select them if we want and then hit DONE to get out of that mode.
This prevents unwanted behaviour and gives us a very convenient and safe way of working.
As I am using this EDIT mode I am finding more weird LOGIC.
If I select multiple songs, I get choices at bottom, one is, lines with a plus sign, which I believe is to add these songs in to QUEU mode, and the Folder button next to it gives me the option to choose a playlist to add these songs.
My problem with this is , I have disabled QUEUE mode so why is this choice available ? and if so, why doesn't it state ADDED TWO SONGS TO QUEUE when my QUEUE MODE IS OFF, I am dealing with playlists not QUEUE, I expect that message to change and say ADDED TWO SONGS TO PLAYLIST, this should change depending on my settings selection of preference of operation.
The other problem is if I use the PLAYLIST folder and choose a playlist to place my new song selection in to a playlist the songs get placed at the end of this playlist , BUT I have selected the option in settings I want new addition of songs at the TOP of the list, this logic is not obeying my setting preference.
This is also the case in the so called QUEUE mode.
I believe its confusing having both options if QUEUE mode is turned OFF, only one option should be available and as a default the playlist you are on is ticked to update the new selections unless you change the selection to other selections of playlist or playlists.
This then would be very simple to understand by the users that DONT USE QUEUE mode.
Sorry Peter for the bombardment, but this is what I meant when I said we need to POLISH the software , all things we have now are great but they need POLISH , I know ST4 is around the corner but by polishing ST3 hopefully ST4 will be even BETTER not just DIFFERENT.
Cheers Damir