Peter ST3 did it again ! I had a fantastic gig last night a big thanks to you and all your effort.
I am looking forward to ST4 but I am also scared it might change things too much and we will loose things we love about ST3, i had a little play with Jamzone to see how they do things and must say it feels good but do i want to use it on stage ? Definitely NO! Its not close to ST3 capability but it has its good points, the things i hate is there is no next song preparation and easy next song selecting as you play , the Lyrics screen to me is more practical on ST3 because i prefer line sync than word sync even though programming the exact highlighting of lines is awkward i still prefer ST3 because it gives me a good trigger to when to start to sing but does not control of how i interpret the timing of the words to sing so i can make it my own style which is less karaokieish if you know what i mean, ST3 is there as a prompt for more professional singers not a total novice, i like the SOLO MUTE idea and its something i have been mentioning to you before Jam-track has introduced it and i could see myself using it
, as you involve the crowd and hit SOLO Drums and Permanent loop , then release loop and then solo in one by one the instruments to fatten the sound where then you hit master solo release to fully engage the tracks, unfortunately JAMTRACKS don't have this master SOLO MUTE release like LOGIC PRO has, which lets it down again its not serious about live performance needs LOGIC PRO is more appropriate even though its just a DAW.
Thats one of the biggest reasons i don't use MULTITRACKS in ST3 because you don't have this on stage capability to make multitrack use worth while, Jamtracks is on to it but haven't done it properly for good on stage use.
Logic should be , whatever you set up when song is not playing with SOLO MUTE the song remembers these settings as a default but whatever you do when song is playing the SOLO MUTE and master release buttons (that don't exist), should be a temporary thing , so you have your default song start setup, then you can manipulate the song till the cows come home when you are performing , hitting SOLO MUTE master release gives you your default settings again, now this i could use on stage not the existing Jamtrack logic, they just haven't thought about it from a performers perspective, but they are close to getting it spot on.
Also the looping logic of Jamtracks totally sucks even though i like the button spacing and its through the loop indicator, its not really usable on stage for its poor operational logic that took us a while to perfect on ST3 , plus the looping area should be below the lyrics area so you don't cover your lyrics while you are choosing loops this is a big no no, again no thought from performers point of view.
So to wrap up, ST3 and hopefully ST4 is a definite clear winner for on stage use even though others are trying to beat it they are not close yet.
Have a great day and thanks again.
Here is a link to a snippet of last night.I did 44 songs in 5 sets and lost my voice by the end of the gig but it was worth it πΈπΊπ€π