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  • Session not showing local file

Hi, I am looking for help on a problem after joining a session. We are both using iPads and the joining of the session works well and they songs scroll in time with each other. We are both using the same backing tracks. However the lyrics are different. Even though I have the show local lyrics turned on, I am not seeing my lyrics, only his. It used to work OK, but today it just did not happen.

The only other difference is that he has crecently olour coded his songs, i.e. red for rock, yellow for country etc and I have not set the same colours on my iPad. Would this cause the problem? If so I can colour code mine in a similar fashion.

If not, any other suggestions as to what to try to solve it.

    Color codes are not relevant for song matching. Only title and artist is. Make sure the spelling of both fields is identical.

    THank you Peter. Obviously I have something else wrong then as ther title and artist are the same and it is every track, not just a few of them. I will keep looking.

    TonyHS Hi, I am looking for help on a problem after joining a session. We are both using iPads and the joining of the session works well and they songs scroll in time with each other. We are both using the same backing tracks. However the lyrics are different. Even though I have the show local lyrics turned on, I am not seeing my lyrics, only his.

    Hi Tony, i am confused with how you run , you are both using the same backing? Is that audio you are talking about, and you have 2 different lyrics on both ipads?
    My understanding is you use one iPad as a host , this is your main Audio playback and lyrics for yourself , then you have another ipad as a slave which shows the same lyrics you see on the host, but you want to display different lyrics on the slave by using its own data base because you want different lyrics on the guest ipad, is that the scenario?
    First question, why would you do that, i am just very curious, do you both sing at the same time with different lyrics ?
    If your lyrics are staggered you can just program it on the one master iPad or if your partner wants to sing his version just Duplicate the song and enter his lyrics , colour code your songs so you can easily recognise which version of the song you need and avoid confusion and complexity and improve the reliability of setup and performance.
    If you explain exactly how and why you run the way you do we might be able to figure out a way to do it.
    It sounds like you also have identical audio files on both devices , do you both control the shows progression?

    Even though I have the show local lyrics turned on, I am not seeing my lyrics, only his.
    Who is the master and who is the slave ?
    As Peter said you need to make very sure your databases are in sync.

    Hi Damir,
    Yes though we both have the same backing tracks on our iPads, as he is hosting the session it is his backing track that is heard. I mentioned that we both have the same backing tracks to show that differnet backing track names was not the problem.
    The reason for the different lyric on each song, is that he plays lead and I play rhythm. so sometime I have a capo on and play different chords to him and other times there are notes that I have added to the lyrics sheet showing change of strumming pattern etc.

    Up to last nights practice it has worked well with my local lyrics being displayed on my iPad and he controlled when the iPad started scrolling etc. However last night none of my lyric sheets showed up on my iPad until I left the session. The only changes we could think of between last night and the previous session is that I had added keywords to the song and he had colour coded his songs.

    Hope this explains it better.

      TonyHS yes i sort of get the picture, are you using pdfs or synced lyrics?
      It all sounds very complicated and has great potential to let you down at the worst time.
      Have you tried to operate a different way , all these extra features are great but if they are unreliable then you need to change to operate the way they are absolutely easy and always work, otherwise you are wasting a lot of time and getting nowhere, i don't use PDFS so i cant help you, but i do use the host feature with synced lyrics on another ipad and have never had issues apart from unreliable connections which now is no problem , i would never rely on the second ipad to have different things showing as its risky enough just having two ipad synced simply.
      So good luck with it perhaps ST4 might be a lot more reliable in that respect and it might have a capo setting like Jamzone that can easily be set .
      Good luck with it.
      Just a last thought if it worked before have you done any software updates lately ?

        TonyHS I play in a 3 piece band and each of us has our own iPads and own lyrics (with different colours) and I’ve never had an issue with the feature that wasn’t my own error. It’s a bit odd that you say it worked but nothing had changed except the colour and tags which would affect it. Sometimes when I’ve had an issue and both title and artist have been correct (including capitals) there’s been a space in one of the songs that’s not immediately apparent by looking at it. I would suggest re-typing out both title and artist on both to see if that fixes it for you. Also if they’re are any apostrophe’s then I get rid of those as again there are a few options and if one is different the local lyrics won’t show.

        Thank you Lishy, at least I won't have to change all the colours. He is going to send me a screehot of all the songs in the setlist so that I can chack the spellings etc. It just seems strange that every song gave the same problem. As you say I am quite sure that the error is of our own making! ;-) Just got to find what we have done. Just had a thought that I also recently upgraded to the latest OS, I wonder if he was still on an older version...?

        Versions should not matter. Double check the spelling. Make sure there are no spaces at the start or end.

          peter Thanks, that's what we are going to next. I still can't get my head around what changed and caused every title or artist has suddenly changed ;-(

            Damir Yes, I have updated the OS, though Peter says that shouldn't affect it :-(

            Damir Synced lyrics as such but with the 'local files' option selected.


            TonyHS have you any old full backups to reinstall and have you tried using other devices to achieve your goals it seems something has changed , but what is the question , could be a very simple thing , perhaps a full reinstall of ST3 and start from scratch might be a faster solution as long as you have good full backups of the time all was working well.
            GOOD LUCK and let us know what it was if you find the problem.

              Damir thanks. I have come to the same idea. At the moment I am saving each lyrics file. I am then going to reinstall Stagetraxx and reinstall the tracks and lyrics from scratch. Good job I only have about 150 songs to worry about ;-)

              I don‘t think that will help. Save ourself the work.

                peter I see where your comming from, but I tried a previous playlist that was still there and worked in July. It doesn't work now. So I don't know what else to try. So I am going save all the songs, reset the ipad and start to load them back on. Luckily, I only use the iPad for Stage Traxx so resetting is not a major headache.

                So you did check song titles and artist names on both iPads and they are identical?

                  peter Yes, there was no visable difference in them, no extra spaces etc.

                  I have no -reinstalled verything from scratch. Just waiting to try it out again. I will report back when done.

                  Solved! (I think). My friend has just sent me a changed setlist and I noticed that the song titles have changed since the list I was working from! The old song name was, for instance, 'The Gambler Custom Backing Track' he has now shortened it to 'The Gambler' without realising that this would cause problems. So Peter you were right!

                  We are going to test things out tomorrow now that I have altered my song titles to suit. One good thing that came out of this is that there was a lot tidying up needed in my song book where songs are no longer needed as they were there to try out and not wanted later.

                  Thank you everyone for your help.