Hi Peter, I love what you’ve done with playlists where you give us a Quick Look at song count and even total time duration, this is great, but when we go to SONG mode we have to scroll through thousands of songs to give us a total number, I suggested this years ago and am still pointing it out , why not have
( 2693 SONGS 122: 43 min ) displayed in the top section of SONG mode , this area is screaming for this information, to be in line with playlist information.
Scrolling way down a huge list is dinosaurish 😂

I don‘t want to waste space just for this information on top of the list. Why do you need to know the total number of songs you have? Is that really important?

    Hi Damir, I’m curious as to why you think we need this option, I have about 400 songs in a list and know that’s plenty for 3 times 45 minute sets.


      Must admit, I do use the total song count all the time. As I amend and update and add new songs, I keep a spreadsheet of it all. When I upload new ones and overwrite etc to all my iPads and devices, I keep a check that the total songs match my spreadsheet, as well as my master folders. This way if a song hasnt overwritten or hasnt uploaded or been accepted by Stagetraxx (possible faulty files), etc I can see very quickly if the total count isnt correct and investigate it. Having it at the top I agree would be beneficial instead of having to scroll right to the bottom of over 4,000 odd songs

        DaveT Totally agree , there are lots of other reasons as well.

        Kevtyler Hi Damir, I’m curious as to why you think we need this option, I have about 400 songs in a list and know that’s plenty for 3 times 45 minute sets.

        It makes more user friendly sense to have it at the top , 1 it behaves the same as playlist display count , it in your face without doing anything, if you have thousands of songs as i do because i use it as a song librarian as well as my performance tool because sometimes i act as a DJ and not a solo performer having instant display of song count also reassures me all songs are present and are equal to all my other backup devices, this space on top is wasted blank space that could be put to better use etc. ITS JUST COMMON SENSE LOGIC.

        peter I don‘t want to waste space just for this information on top of the list. Why do you need to know the total number of songs you have? Is that really important?

        Yes its important for number of reasons, but even if you had no reasons it makes more sense to have the song number count visible at all times if you have space , why hide this at the end of a long list.It requires no effort to get the song count details is one very simple excuse just like playlists song count and total time.

        Why would you not create a playlist and include all your songs which would give you that information on the top?

          wish Why would you not create a playlist and include all your songs which would give you that information on the top?

          Hi Wish, I am making suggestions to improve ST3 , your suggestion is a work around and I already use this idea for all my backing tracks , as it does help having a total count and time instantly available.
          That’s why I don’t understand to why you would not have it in SONG mode.
          At the moment you have to waste time to see this information when it could be instantly available in the DEAD space next to SONGS , making this area much more useful to the user and killing two birds with one stone.
          With your suggestion it is making us work harder to continually manually update our playlist to keep it up to date just for the convenience of seeing this important information that should be there displayed instantly for us in the appropriate place.
          I call it an ABC fix because I work for the ABC TV and they always work around a problem instead of fixing it directly😂 Similar to the Russians mindset, and look where they are now , 😩 when there is a simple solution.
          Thanks for the input, playlists are great.