• Features
  • Regions visible on joined sessions

I find the region system really great! Whether it's to make loops or simply indicate visual information to know who is doing the solo or when the chorus is, etc... It would be great @peter if in a future version, the tablets that joined my session could also see these regions to also have these visual indications. Is it technically too complex?
Thank you so much.

    Olivier what would be perfect is if all slaves to be also able to fully control the host so basically the host becomes the audio source but everyone that joins can choose to be either a dump slave or a smart slave where you can stop start and choose next song and loop control , that way you could have your hosts audio output at the mixer and the remote slave on stage , this then becomes a more versatile system , the sound engineer can also be the music controller or one of the band members or any band member combination, this then becomes a big game changer.
    But is it technically possible ? That’s another thing.
    Loving the loops!

    Showing audio regions on the clients is definitely planned for version 4. Also some kind of remote functionality. But I don't know yet what exactly will be possible on that side.

      peter Showing audio regions on the clients is definitely planned for version 4. Also some kind of remote functionality. But I don't know yet what exactly will be possible on that side.

      Whatever you can make happen is better than nothing , ideally everything would be great so our audio source is as close to the mixer as possible.

      That's the idea. Having a device near the mixer and remote controlling it from front of stage. It will definitely be possible to start/stop playback and select songs within the current playlist. On top of that we will have to see what is possible once I start working on that feature.

        I don't know if we're talking about the same thing but on the other hand I would prefer that a single person keep control over play/pause etc... (I wouldn't want a musician who joined the session stops playback by mistake…)

          Olivier Thats why i mentioned a dumb slave mode and a smart slave mode earlier, for that reason , so you can choose which slave has what capability ,
          A dumb slave , you cant control anything , its a visual device which can be setup visually to suit the situation, ie projector screen hdmi out from this device only shows syced lyrics with or without chords, it can or can not display loop points depending on prefference setting etc.
          A smart slave, can be used to select songs or not, start/stop or not, manipulate loops or not, etc.
          This alows us to have multiple devices working in different ways to create an environment we need.
          Example an iphone to play the music at the mixer as the master, an iphone set to dumb slave set to play the video at the projector, and a smart slave setup to manipulate the show on an ipad on stage , you can also create multiple other devices to suit the band.

          Yes of course, only one device can have control. Not sure yet if this will be done by having to enter a password on the client or maybe elect a client to remote control from the host. But there will be some way to limit control access.

            peter I think if possible , one device can only be the actual audio replay another a video replay and multiple devices should be able to control the show , so I can dedicate each device to what it is in the settings if I choose the first device to be the audio master than this option is greyed out on all other devices as it’s taken and only one device at a time can work this way, this applies for the video output device , but when it comes to the actual control of software you have the ability to make multiple devices to be either a smart or dumb slave , with appropriate setting to create the environment required.
            If you only have one device then you don’t need to choose any options and everything works as normal, if you have a need to hook up multiple devices then you need to choose which option you need on every device if you need video device you choose that option and then you get view options to what you want to display on the screen using the HDMI output, if you need audio out device only you choose this option and this becomes an audio out master device with control ability, this once enabled on a device disables that option on all other devices apart from the control functions, choosing a smart remote device gives you full control of software and can be setup on multiple devices that each device can be customised to suit its need, so I can use my iPad on stage to perform with and my phone to also control the audio when off stage, the last dumb slave mode can be setup on multiple devices and customised without having any capability to control anything it’s purely a visual monitor of what’s going on in the show with customisable view settings.
            These options give everyone everything they may want , running simply or creating a complex show with easy audio and video setup and having the whole band have any combination of control of the show , with simple setup process .
            Audio master- has full control as well
            Video master- has no audio control, has visual display control
            Smart Slave - has no audio - has full control of show - has multiple device capability
            Dumb Slave - has no audio - no control capability- has layout arrangement capability, its multiple device capable.
            When you select any of these 4 Moses and create the interface preferences, these preferences get remembered even if you change to other hosting preferences, so once you setup how you want your show to work you simply arrive on the gig people fire up their devices and you are ready to go , no need to go through the setups every time and even if people change to different settings at home if they get back to the smart slave mode again all settings are remembered.
            This gives them the freedom to play around at home with the device in normal settings but when they go on a gig they place themselves in to the appropriate settings and all those settings are immediately remembered .
            As long as it’s the same wifi or Bluetooth all devices just turn on and everything just works without any settings required as long as no one has changed their hosting preferences.