• Support
  • 44/48 Sample Rate Current Advice

Hey there. First off, your platform is awesome. Moving my whole band from a competitor and I like ST3 a great deal. Well done and THANK YOU.

Just wanted to see if you can comment on the current state of 44/48 sample rates. (I did review of forum comments back to 2021 on this.) The program clearly states to choose one and stick to it. It even warns you if you go to upload something opposite of what the program is set to.

That being said, it um….still seems to work. I have songs with stereo files for click, cues, and tracks, in both formats that appear to work just fine even if they are opposite the global setting. I don’t have mixed files in the same song. (Click, cues, tracks, always one or The other)

Am I “cruising for a bruising” by ignoring the warnings and having certain songs opposite of the global setting?



Well, I have added some workarounds for this issue so that you will most likely not encounter it. But it can still occur especially when using autoplay and looping regions. So the recommendation is still to choose a samplerate, set the internal samplerate to that in ST3 and stick to it.

Note: this only affects multitrack songs. If you just run stereo songs, you can mix samplerates as much as you like.