Hi Peter, as we were pondering with ideas earlier i came up with ideas , see what you think.
The idea is to keep everything you need regarding audio control as much as possible in one spot and easy to control.
I would rename the option to AUDIO EDIT instead of Audio Segment Editor.
And i would introduce various things we already have in a more user friendly way.
As i said earlier a long press on the WAVEFORM or LOOP SECTION depending if you have any loops at all you get to the AUDIO EDITOR , once you are in there you choose what you need, selecting a front or rear delay , Trim or Fade without introducing a LOOP will keep the waveform mode in the player but give you all three things to set per song.
If you introduce one or more LOOPS will change the VAVEFORM TO LOOP MODE IN THE PLAYER VIEW, this gives you either one large button or a number of evenly spaced buttons until you hit the minimum size, i estimate this to be around 12 LOOPS that would be comfourtably placed on screen and easily seen, recognised and operated with the ipad in landscape mode, this will reduce in number in portrait mode, and possibly reduce even more on iphones.
So a long press on waveform gets you to Audio Editor then you single hit the Create LOOP this creates a single full loop of the entire song , if you grab the end handle and drag it towards the front of song , wherever you release it you immediately get another loop to the end of the song , and you get two loop buttons evenly spaced in the player view , so the size of the loop is not relevant to the size of the buttons you control on stage.
If you long press the Create Loop button in the top of screen this brings down a number of loops selection ranging from 1 to 24 , you simply choose the number you require and automatically the loops are evenly spread on you vaveform editor , now you simply drag and release your loop points to where they are needed and zoom in to place perfectly.
Another way to enter loop points is to play the song and single tap on the Create Loop button to drop in a loop point this then you can correct in detail later.
Also if you drag your song position cursor in to a position simply hit Create Loop, you now have a loop start at that point and this loop automatically joins to another loop.
To remove loops you swipe down on a loop to create a skip loop you double tap on the loop , to create a permanent loop you swipe up on a loop to cancle the permanent loop you swipe down once as the second swipe down removes this loop , you also have an UNDO and REDO button incase you fluf things up along the way.
This form of operation is graphical , immediate , in the one place and simple to grasp .
The End of the song has the same exact options in reverse order.
When you select any ot the three options you get two choices to what you want to controll examle:
DELAY single press gives two options
TRIM Single press gives two options
FADE single press gives you two options
One thing i would like is a final SAVE option where you can choose to keep the original or update to the latest changes before leaving this window, i have found that when i experiment sometimes i dont like to what i have done and would simply like to leave the song as it was.
This could be where SONG DETAILS is now as i dont want to go to song detail i simply want to return to the player, yes i want song detail from my song and possibly leave an option to get to the AUDIO EDITOR from there but i need to get to the PLAYER directly fom the AUDIO EDITOR in preference having to go through song details again.
I hope all this this information is going to inspire you to create the new ST4 to be a much more simpler yet very powerful tool on stage, any other addative inspirations would be wellcome as i am writing this as i think about to how i feel when i am on stage and also when i am sitting at home trying to make ST do the things i need on stage.
Cheers Damir
Just to clarify only the Loops get buttons on the player screen the other three options can only be seen in the Audio Editor.
Another thing, once you are playing a song you can not enter Audio Edit by long press as now you are on stage and performing you should not need the audio editor and it should be disabled so you dont accidentally open it.This same logic should be applied to the LYRICS EDITOR, a long press on the Lyrics screen opens the LYRICS EDITOR, but only while in STOP mode , in PLAY mode its assumed you are performing and dont want accidental opening of another function.