If i’ll try to inbed midisend like this,
[midi@00:00.00C3@01], to my digital mixer Midas mr12 to change scenens, nothing happens, and the Midas works on midichannel 01.
What can i do wrong.
And question 2, can i instead of using midiclock do like above send BPM to the Midas mr12 to tap the delay.
Midisend to Midas mr12
Not a smiley, it shall be PC there instead, i have to fat fingers
- Edited
You need a space between : and PC and Bon leading 0:
[midi@00:00.00: pc3@1]
And no, the mr12 has no midi command to set fx tempo. You can only do that with OSC instead of midi but ST3 can not send OSC.
Ok thank you for fast respons, otherwise i love the ST3
Ups, autocorrect fail. It should read: no leading 0.