• General
  • Importing a Playlist from a band member, who labels songs differently to me.

Hi Peter.

I’m in a duo, and my mate sent me a database only backup which I imported to my pad, deleting my own stuff. It’s a list of 130 songs, which are on my pad but are named differently than his version. So I spent a few minutes pointing the red missing song entries at the files on my cloud, and saved the playlist. I then restored my full backup, and then imported the new playlist, but none of the songs that I associated with my versions of the songs appear in the list.

Is this normal. ?


Yes, that‘s normal. If you want to exchange playlists regularly you should work with the same songs with the same metadata.

Ok Peter

That’s fair enough but I just don’t see why iOS or st3 allows you to waste your time re associating the playlist with one’s songs if the playlist isn’t going to save as it should. If my friend sends me a playlist rather than a back up, and I import it and add the missing songs, will this playlist work as normal ?

Edit, I realise it only imports identical songs. Thanks.
