Is there any guidance on syncing a video display with SS3?

What exactly do you mean? Showing lyrics on an external display or something else?

    peter I think is it posibble sent midi note directly to ableton live ,then ableton live recive and play video.without midi controller .only midi network .

      Yes, you could send simple note on/off messages. That should work for triggering preprogrammed scene changes. But anything more complex might be too much to setup.

      peter Yes, like lyrics. But more like complex timed video images in sync with our backing tracks.

      leiyutian Could you then technically send a MIDI command to start a video other than Ableton? Not sure which, but there's got to be a video player on a Mac that could receive a start message and then we could dedicate a MacBook to a projector and run Stage Traxx 3 off the iPad. Otherwise, I think I have to abandon SS3 and use QLab for it all. Sad to loose all the other cool stuff, especially synced lyrics.

        BillR123 I am using qlab on my macbook ,and IPad using stage traxx 3. ipad play audio. mac play video. ipad and mac must in same wifi . mac set midi network to connect ipad. and set midi trigger on qlab.such as cc20.65@1. then go to st3 edit lyric midi@play cc20.65@1

          leiyutian This makes a lot of sense. So you could also run lights on QLab. Seems an expensive way to go. $1100, I think. I assume you looked into other options.

            BillR123 As a long time user of Qlab, the last thing I would suggest is using Qlab for any sort of lighting duties unless its very basic cues. its interface is horrendous for doing anything out of the ordinary for lighting. I have persevered for many years programming all the lighting cues, moves changes etc to suit each song, and I reckon on average about 6 to 18 hours per song to get it right (moving heads etc all involved). I now have chamsys and do not regret a single thing about it. programming per song can be done in little as half an hour for fairly complex cues, and simply get Qlab to trigger the chamsys cues, or get chamsys cues to trigger the music/videos on Qlab.

              leiyutian software is free to download with some limitations on it without hardware. not sure to what extent you could go with it in the "demo" mode, but is still worth a look, as fx patterns for movement, colour chases etc etc all built in save a hell of a lot of programming time etc

              Just discovered a new product coming out soon called MVP by 4Cast. One box connected to a computer that controls 4K video and DMX lighting by MIDI. Easily connects to and driven by SS3. I don't see an iPad version of MVP, but a band could have a Mac offstage running SS3 in host mode and driving the MVP. This makes sense to me. MVP: $499

              2 months later