The Tap To Close feature is excellent to get to the Songs menu etc. It would be great if we could also have a Tap To Open to re-open the lyrics window. Thanks, Tom

    TomC Tap the waveform at the bottom of the page.

    Cheers Barry

    Actually it is the title, not the waveform you need to tap.

    Thanks Barry, much appreciated, I touched the waveform and it worked!
    But it could still do with a label.
    I naturally wouldn’t touch the waveform whilst a song was playing in case it jumped the track to where my finger had landed. Could Peter consider a label like Tap To Open Lyrics?

    I would need to make the mini player higher. So, no. Anyway. It behaves the same as the standard music player of iOS. If you tap the title, a big player opens. They don't have a label for that either. It is described in the manual and most users will not search very long to find this function.

    Thanks for the reply, Peter. It does work if you touch the title but also the waveform. A label would clear the confusion. Great to find, though.

      TomC It does work if you touch the title but also the waveform.

      No, it does not work if you touch the waveform. Maybe you missed the waveform. Touching the waveform will change the playback position.

      I understand the issue of making the player higher, so no. Happy to have found the feature. Thanks.