you'll never guess this from the title, but I am unable to purchase the app from the in app purchase menu of my iphone 11, is there something going on I don't know about? or am I making some schoolboy error over here? cheers
unable to purchase app
I think you also sent me an email, right? Unfortunately the error you get is an "unkown error" which can mean very different things. Please check the following bullet points:
- Not logged in in the AppStore
- Not allowed to make InAppPurchases (check in Screentime Settings)
- Invalid payment method in AppStore
- Unstable internet connection
Hi, thank you for replying.
So far I have tried:
- signing off, signing back on with my Apple ID,
- deleting Stage Traxx 3, installing the app again,
- purchasing a 99p item just to check that my payments would go through, which was fine
- I have fast speed internet at home, so that would not be an issue.
- checked screen time, all fine,
- I use two forms of payment: Apple Account and Paypal
The final screen, following what seems to be a confirmation of purchase and successful authorisation, I get two pop-ups, first one: '' Your purchase could not be completed, for assisstance contact iTunes Support'', followed by ''Error accessing App Store. Reason: 0''
I checked both Apple Account and Paypal, neither took payments, tried using both.
At this point I feel fairly dumb, haha.
Thanks for your help Peter, if you can think of anything else, that would be much appreciated.
I'm sorry but this error happens within the AppStore. Did you try to contact the AppStore support?
Royston have you downloaded the trial version of stagetraxx first . then buy the full version through the stagetraxx app