A self created backup file question which I presume is for Peter as I couldn’t see this question in the forum search.
My master iPad Pro and backup iPhone have loads of storage so I’ve never realised this was a thing but…
I have an older iPad 4 which hardware wise is perfectly capable and I use it as a backup. It is only a 32Gb model, however my current backup file is just shy of 6Gb so with 16Gb of space I didn’t foresee an issue.
I’ve been using this setup for a while now and I regularly backup my master iPad and share that backup file with my iPhone and smaller iPad.
*At this point I’m sure someone will start thinking iCloud backup. Let’s not go there… I’ve had issues. I’m not a fan and only on a free 5Gb account that I’ve surpassed.
I did my usual backups yesterday and I found that The small iPad could not restore my backup file because the iPad was full?
When I checked the system settings I could see that my ST3 folder was at around 14Gb but my backup file was less than 6Gb.
I just presumed that since a full backup contained “everything” that if you restored from that file it would override all previous files… obviously not the case. I deleted the ST3 folder and all files within freeing up the 14Gb space. where I could then open up a blank version of ST3, restore from my 6Gb backup file and everything seems to work as it should.
So before I do this to my master iPad files I need to check that I’m not missing something here?
Is there a reason that this happens across all devices if all files and multitracks are the same and are just backups and restores respectively?
Slightly confused why my backup devices (iPhone and small iPad) did not have the same amount of space used even though they have only ever received a backup file from the master iPad? Between 14-16Gb of storage.
At the same time why does my master iPad have a folder size of over 26Gb???
Many thanks