When I import MP3s for live performance, I always have a count in of usually one bar.
This means 4 strikes on a hi-hat to let me know when the first bar of the song starts.
When I play back the MP3, StageTraxx3 misses out the first count so I only hear 3.
I can add an additional count (count of 5) and this works, but if I play the file somewhere else, I end up with a count of 5! Any way to get StageTraxx to pick up right at the start of the file?

    jimDicken have you checked your starting time in song settings? , it sounds like you have programmed a later start so you are missing the first count.
    Song details (i) start time should be all at zero.

    Are you playing sound over bluetooth? I saw this issue with some (cheap) bluetooth receivers. ST3 does not cut off the start or end of audio files if you do not use the trim feature in song details.

      jimDicken I had this happening when I connected my iPad to my mixer's usb input. I have tried both bluetooth and cable via usb-c to audio cable from my iPad without any problem. My problem was routing into a usb input obviously.

      8 days later

      peter Hi, I and using StageTrax 3 on a new iPad Pro using a USB-C cable with USB-C on one end and standard 6.25mm audio plug on the other end straight into my mixer.
      I have checked the start time and it's definitely set to 0:00.0
      When I put my laptop into the mixer, it works correctly, but when using StageTrax3 I miss the first count in.
      I thought that perhaps there was a threshold volume that started the playback, but this would not make much sense.

      Addition. I've realised that the iPad pro does play the first count if I disconnect it from the USB-C cable and listen to its own speakers.
      It's only when I'm connected to my mixer by cable that the problem exists.
      It's not caused by StageTrax3. Sorry.
      I'd still like a suggestion if possible. It's driving me nuts as it doesn't happen in every song???

      Try another usb-c to audio adapter. The original Apple adapters usually work fine (at least the lightning to audio, I don't have a usb-c ipad yet so I can't comment on the Apple usb-c adapter). If you are willing to experiment, buy a bunch of different cheap adapters and keep one that works without this issue. Or buy a small usb audio interface connected directly to the usb-c port.

        peter Thankms Peter. I'll experiment a bit and get back to you. Thanks for replying.

          a month later

          Hi. I didn't find a solution for this issue, but pretty sure it is the cable.
          I spent about an hour in the Apple shop with my gear and had about 4 techs there.
          They were all very interested but had no solutions.
          My belief that it comes from the cable is that I tried 4 different cables and they all gave different results. This is the only change that I made that actually made a difference. Surprisingly, the genuine Apple cable gave the worst results.
          I use a 4 beat count in to my tracks (usually), but I have added an additional click at the start of the bar before. This seems to kick they system into play mode and works correctly (almost like a gate threshold is required). I don't hear the initial click but I do hear all 4 of the count-in clicks. If I take out the initial click, then I only hear 3 clicks of my count in.
          It's starnge that I hear all clicks when I use my iPad Pro on its own (no amp or cable) through it's internal speaker. This issue only appears when I use the USB-C adapter cable, of which I've tried many. The one I'm using has a USB-C on one end and a standard 6.5mm jack on the other end going to my mixer. This works well in a live situation. Hope this helps someone.

          have you got a couple of seconds gap before you audio file starts i.e click intro if not put one in at the beginning of each track that might cure it

          jimDicken hi Jim just wondering if you place a small delay start in settings if you then get the first click, i know its not a fix but out of curiosity , would that small delay give you the first click or will you still be missing that first hit.

          Hi guys, Thanks for your input.
          I've already tried various cables and that includes the USB-C to 3.5mm. I used the genuine Apple cable, but it didn't solve the problem.
          I currently have 2 seconds of silence at the start of the file and that doesn't help.
          I haven't tried a delay start in the settings, but it's worth a go.

          i mentioned earlier that I've put an additional click in each track at the start of the bar before my 4 count-in clicks. This has solved the problem and I'm going to stick with it.
          Thanks for all the suggestions.