peter thanks , the reason I ask is it’s great how we can pause anywhere in the song and now that we have looping and visual metronome which by the way is great, once you pause, it allows us to go crazy while choosing a new in point and because we are in almost perfect time it seamlessly joins us back to the backing track, the only thing is the exit point is not natural sounding due to sudden cut off of sound having a bit of reverb put on the end of last notes would make it more natural, but how to do it is the question.
Suggestion on visual metronome , a play button would be great in the tap area , numerous times I select a song and go to tap in the tempo which is great but I forgot to hit play so I have to exit to then hit play then back again to start tapping, this wouldn’t be an issue if there was a little play button there to start the song.
Just for safety I would only make it a play button and not a stop, just in case you enter that page so you can’t accidentally stop the show it would only allow you to start play nothing else once you exit you can stop on normal stop button.